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Hello, I’m Chris Guest.
I draw the best versions of Us that I can imagine.
Drawing has always been my most accessible form of communication, and I’ve always been a maker of things. In order to draw more convincingly, I enjoy the wonder of understanding the how, why, when, where and what of building, of physical matter and moving it about via process, and how natural processes affect it. I enjoy making and building, with my own hands on the tools, and exerting my own body. An education in design ties these interests together.
Although being a registered architect, with a couple of decades of commercial practice behind me, I prefer to apply my skills within a more open frame. We face some major challenges on this pretty blue dot of ours, with climate change being but a symptom. A deep emotional and energetic stuckness within Us seems to be leading to poor outcomes. I believe Our collective emotional and spiritual evolution is the key to healthier practical progress, and keeping our dot colourfully pretty.
The primary action I am able to take, addressing my own stuckness and bolstering my deep beliefs, is that of drawing. Drawing for me is an action of sharing whats inside. My life’s experience feeds back though my imagination and affects what appears there. My education seeks to hone spontaneous daydreams and present convincing scenes to critical minds. I aim to provoke, argue, seduce, share, change, make connections, build relationships, and do it all again and again.
What can be built that might possibly improve Life on Earth? What are the limits to our built environment? Where are the edges of our built existence? What might our world become if we mindfully pulled together? Can I imagine answers? Can I be disciplined enough to express them and share? I aim to dedicate the rest of my working life to finding out, and so I must wear the hat of ‘paper architect’.
‘Paper architecture’ is a term used to describe proposals that although sincere, are fantastically ridiculous, and thus outside the realm of practical accomplishment. Made mostly of imagination and drawing, paper architecture is a sharing of dreams and aspirations, poetry and science fiction.
Paper architecture might be whimsical or totalitarian, physically sound or absurd. It may seek to bend industry, finance, law, government, or culture. My preference lands where science, psychology, and natural process is sound, and emotions are deeply felt. Where from my imagination, is the magical spot where I might better support Life on Earth? Can I convey this to the world?
I hope you’ll travel this effortful path with me.